Tuesday, February 25, 2014

Work continues

Hey guys,

It's been a long time since last update. Sure enough, I did state in my first post on this blog that work might be days apart, or months apart, but since October nothing has happened on this blog. It's been a bumpy ride, to say the least. After me and my former girlfriend split last summer I met a great girl. We've been working on our relationship since then and it's been great, even though she lives 1000 km away in our neighbor country - Norway.

So what about the Cordoba? No worries guys, even though the blog hasn't been updated the project has not died. I've been focusing on getting new parts and I kind of rethinked the whole idea. Initial thought was to do a complete restoration, including getting the whole thing painted again. However, I no longer think there's a point in this.

The body of the car is in excellent condition except for the bottom. There's rust around the edges of the fender(around the wheels) and on the bottom of the doors. Also, the floor needs some new metal. But why redo the entire car just to fix these issues? Here's a pic so you get what I mean. Would you consider a paint job if this is the general condition of the car?

So, basically, I will have the rust issues fixed, and get the paint shop to utilize the natural shapes of the car to disguise the sometimes visible difference in the tone(old paint vs new paint). My first priority will be to get the engine compartment and frame in shape again. This is because I have now saved up the money and bought the parts necessary for the engine restoration shop to complete their job. It's just a short matter of time before I have the engine, and can complete it myself. I will drop it in the restored engine compartment, to be able to drive the car to the body shop to have rust issues fixed!

Now for some candy, this is what I bought for the car so far. A picture and a complete list:

* Keith Black Performance Piston and ring kit(KB240KTM-020)
* Mr. Gasket Ultra-Seal full gasket set(MRG-5994)
* ARP Main cap bolt kit(140-5001)
* ARP Connecting rod bolt kit(145-6402)
* Clevite Camshaft bearing set(SH876S)

* Sealed Power Main bearing set(4094M)
* Sealed Power Connecting rod bearing set(8-2320CP)
* Trans-Dapt Performance Timing cover(9392)
* K&N Performance Gold Oil filter(HP-3001)
* ProForm Freezeplug kit(66558)
* Trans-Dapt Performance Engine oil dip stick and tube kit(9225)

* 440 Rear main seal cap + bolts and seals
* ARP Engine accessory bolt kits(545-9801)
* MSD CDI Multi-Spark Ignition(5520)
* MSD Blaster SS Coil(8207)

So, what do you guys think? Am I off to a good start or what? ;)


  1. Good to see you are still working on this project. It would be wonderful if we could all just start on a job, and work on it non-stop, straight through to the finish. But for most folks, this is not the case. I look forward to following your continued progress.


  2. Well, we're closing in on 2 years since the last comment...any updates?

