Sunday, April 15, 2012

Day 14 - Shame on me!

Yeah, shame on me! I've not been out to the garage for a long time. Instead I took a two week vacation on Malta in the mediterranean! :) Got back just a couple of days ago and figured it was time to go to the garage.

I got some stuff done but the camera battery died so unfortunately I couldn't take any pictures of the removal of the starter(just one bolt securing it to the transmission bellhousing) and vents below windshield(just snapped into place by themselves). However, I went on to clean up the engine since I will need to begin work on it soon.

Removed most of the electrical wiring in the engine compartment.

Cables and hoses looks like a snakes nest. Time to remove everything...

Including cable for the temperature sending unit...

...and the engine oil sending unit.

This will all be replaced by a painless wiring kit!

A bit easier to overlook, eh?

I also vacuum cleaned the loose dirt off of it.
That's all for day 14. Kind of nice progress in just two effective weeks worth of work. I really need to get the transmission down soon but I need some help to do it. Will update blog shortly again!

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