Friday, April 27, 2012

Restoring... Toyota?

So, finally I got 5 hours in the garage...

...LOOKING at the Cordoba and longing for it! I've got four vehicles that could take me to work each morning. It just happens to be that four of them aren't working. :) So, I started with the one with the least work... A depressing toyota van that belongs to my father. I had to change the alternator and it was a boring and troublesome job.

Well, being in the same room as the Cordoba got me in a bit of a better mood so I'll be sure to continue work there soon. The next post will be about the engine and removal of the last external components to be able to tear it apart for the machine shop, then I think I should move on with the interior so I can remove the dash and all the components linked to it.

Well, I guess I need to take the weekend off. Sunday's my birthday, but you'll probably find one or two posts here during next week!

Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Day 15 - Engine getting naked!

So, I'm slowly getting there. While I'm waiting to get some help with removing the transmission I'm stripping all the external components off the engine so I can get the core components sent to the machine shop... This is the progress of day 15. Starting with the carburetor.

Start by removing the clip that holds the choke
to the carb and pull the lever out...

In each of the four corners of the carburetor there is a
bolt that holds it down. Two on the back...

...two on the front. After removal, pull the carb straight up.

The Carter Thermoquad seemed to be in a great internal condition.

Thermoquad on a shelf!

The intake manifold without carburetor.

The choke is attached with one bolt. This is a type of choke that
uses intake heat to determine how much the choke should open.
Basically a metal coil inside expands when heated, pulling the choke open.

On to the alternator, fitted with two bolts. Remove the
left of the two bottom ones to begin with, and then
remove the adjustment one on the top - alternator loose.

Alternator on a shelf! It will look nice to change this for a
smaller one-wire alternator in chrome.
I went on to remove the a/c compressor. Actually I forgot to take
a pic before removing it so this is afterwards. It was fitted with
two bolts on the front...
...and three on the back. Notice I removed the compressor together
with it's brackets. It seemed easier that way.

The choke also attaches to this with one cable. Attached with
one bolt as visible on picture.

The vacuum amplifier is fitted with two bolts on the
back of the engine.

The water pump hose is attached with a clamp that can just
be unscrewed and then twisted off.

And finally this is what the engine looks like at the moment.
Most external components are gone.
That's it for todays update. I will move on to remove the rest of the brackets and the distributor. This should preferably be removed with the crank in the top dead center. I will write more on this subject in the next update. Stay with me Cordoba fans!

Sunday, April 15, 2012

Day 14 - Shame on me!

Yeah, shame on me! I've not been out to the garage for a long time. Instead I took a two week vacation on Malta in the mediterranean! :) Got back just a couple of days ago and figured it was time to go to the garage.

I got some stuff done but the camera battery died so unfortunately I couldn't take any pictures of the removal of the starter(just one bolt securing it to the transmission bellhousing) and vents below windshield(just snapped into place by themselves). However, I went on to clean up the engine since I will need to begin work on it soon.

Removed most of the electrical wiring in the engine compartment.

Cables and hoses looks like a snakes nest. Time to remove everything...

Including cable for the temperature sending unit...

...and the engine oil sending unit.

This will all be replaced by a painless wiring kit!

A bit easier to overlook, eh?

I also vacuum cleaned the loose dirt off of it.
That's all for day 14. Kind of nice progress in just two effective weeks worth of work. I really need to get the transmission down soon but I need some help to do it. Will update blog shortly again!