Friday, January 27, 2012

Day 8 and 9 - Hood, fender and new stuff!

It's been a troublesome week. A lot to do to prepare for removing the engine, and a lot of problems in the project. These are the pictures from day 8 and 9. In just an hour or so my friend Joacim will join me in the garage for the entire weekend. I sincerely hope we will have the time to remove the engine! Pictures, starting with the hood:

The hood was secured by two nuts on each side. Please notice
I placed a thick cloth behind the hood protecting the window and
upper cowl. However, since the hood is retained with nuts it won't
slide when nuts are removed.

The hood leaning against a wall. You really need to
be two persons to remove this. Heavy and big!

Getting there... slowly, but surely!

In order to remove fender, the ugly antenna needs to
be removed. It has a similar contraption as the rear view
mirror wires, drive it around using a screwdriver. I think
there is supposed to be a plastic cover on top of this,
missing on my vehicle.

These are the parts that attach the antenna. From left to right,
bottom to top above fender.

My oldest brother helping me to remove the fender bolts.
The fenders are attached with 5 bolts and 2 nuts(same nuts
that secure the hood to the cowl). These are easily removed
along the ledge of the fender.

Then it's secured in the front bottom with one screw...

...and two on the bottom back of it. On to the tricky part.

There are three nuts securing the fender to the headlamp
panel. These are reached from within the fender and can
be quite tricky to reach. Two are on the top and one on the
bottom. You can barely see them between fender and panel
on this picture. In the best of worlds, the nuts will come of easily,
enabling the removal. However, they were stuck on my car so
I actually had to cut one of them loose.

If wheel house and all above mentioned bolts have been removed,
this is the result. This will truly help us on removing the engine!

Wheel house and fender dettached. The fender looks good,
I do not think any welding will be necessary!

On to the drivers side wheel house. It has some brackets attached
to it. The biggest one is the speed control system bracket...

...attached with three nuts from within the wheelhouse.

Another bracket to remove, just secured by one nut from within
the wheel house. After this I started getting some problems. I
figured I would just have to repeat the process from the passenger
side. And surely, that would have worked, however. Three bolts
in the wheel house were really stuck because of extensive rust
and general condition of wheel house on drivers side was much
worse than passenger side. So I figured I'd remove the fender first,
which is entirely possible, and then cut off the bolts. However,
it turns out previous owner in Canada had actually welded the
lower part of the fender to the rocker panel(!). Disabling me from
removing it before this weekend, it needs to be cut loose.

I went to a great hardware/car tool shop and spent more than
800 USD on new tools. This is like christmas. :)

This is what I got, after assembly. :)

So this is what me and Joacim have to work with. Please send
us positive thoughts on our progress removing this and I will
update as soon as I can again. :)

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